Am I known?

Some days I want to be that person who has achieved fame enough that every room she enters into understands what and how her identity is.

Some days I want to be that person who can enter any room where so ever and is unrecognisable; she has the option of creating and altering her identity as per she deems fit.

This leads to the question of what really the identity should be.

Because what one wishes to be as can happen.
It’s just a matter of time and place.

Who do I wish to be as?
Known all over or Unknown all across?

I don’t know.

I’m still figuring out with the understanding and acceptance that recognisable or unrecognisable, I’m just striving to be unstoppable.

One day, I may enter a bookstore as a reader or an author but at the end what would matter is that I entered the bookstore, looked around for ‘my kind’ of book, felt the fragrance of the freshly brewed pages, bought a complementing bookmark, paid for it all and left the bookstore as a person who wants to imbibe the wisdom of the book within and become a better version of self.

With time, your priorities change, your personality evolves and your perspective enhances.

But your persona remains.
The persona of what kind of person you’re for yourself and towards yourself.

So no matter who you are and what you become, what will suffice is how you are.

How grounded, how excited, how lively, how charismatic and how generous.
For yourself and others.

Because no matter which room you’re in, the one where you’re known or unknown, your identity is based on how you come out of that room.

Unknown, known or well known?

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